Helping You on Your Path to Balance and Wellness
Wellness Rebooted Healthy Living Courses have begun! These are comprehensive online courses to get your mind, body and spirit in the best shape ever. Available now is my course, Functional Body in Balance. On the horizon is Designing Your Own Workout Program, 7 Day Refresh, 4 Steps to Your Ultimate Vegan Kitchen and Meal Planning Like a Pro. Be sure to sign up on our email list below so you don’t miss when these courses open!

Functional Body in Balance: An Online Course for Wellness
Join us for a transformative journey towards holistic wellness in this online course designed to enhance body awareness, mobility and overall functional fitness so you can lead a healthy and happy life. Whether you’re just beginning your strength training journey, recovering from injury, have taken a long break from the gym and need a refresher, this course lays the foundation you need.
Whether your goal is to strengthen your core or simply enhance your overall wellbeing, this functional training course offers something for everyone. Join us on this journey towards holistic wellness and discover the transformative power of mindful movement and healthy ageing through functional training.
Chapter 1: Body Awareness and Balance Training
Lesson One – What is Body Awareness?
Lesson Two – Why We Train Balance
Why and how do you train balance?
Including: Balance training exercises video
Chapter 2: Alignment, Stability and Core Training
Lesson One – Correct Alignment and the Pelvic Tilt
Why is it important to have correct alignment?
What is the Pelvic Tilt?
Lesson Two – What is the Core?
Lesson Three – Core Engagement and Core Training Exercises
What is the core and how do you train it?
Including: Core building exercises video
A strong core and flexible spine are the foundation of a healthy body. In this session, we target the core through a series of dynamic exercises designed to build strength, stability and balance. Additionally, participants will explore techniques to promote better posture and alignment.
Chapter 3: The Dynamic Warm-Up
Lesson One – What is A Dynamic Warm-up
Including: Upper body and Lower body warm-up exercise video
and full-length dynamic warm-up video
Chapter 4: Functional Training and Strength Building
Functional training is key to enhancing everyday movements and preventing injury. In this chapter, we focus on functional exercises that mimic real-life activities, promoting balance, stability and strength.
Lesson One – What is Functional Training and Its Benefits?
Lesson Two – Short Introduction to Anatomy
Lesson Three – Functional Training Movement Patterns
Chapter 5: Stretching
Including: Stretching Routine Video

About Christy Morgan
Christy is an American health food chef, cooking instructor, yoga teacher, fitness trainer and cookbook author. She became obsessed with fitness post-30 and has dedicated herself to ageing gracefully using what she calls the trifecta of health – mind/body connection, fitness and healthy eating. Christy has been a NASM certified personal trainer since 2013. She has been practising yoga for over 25 years and teaching many styles since 2015. Christy specializes in fitness for all levels and ages, giving modifications so everyone can be included. Christy believes it’s never too late to improve your health and wellbeing. No matter what your fitness level, you will love her group classes, and she is also available for private and small group personal training sessions.
Christy Morgan é Americana, chefe de cozinha saudável, instrutora de culinária e autora de livros de receitas. A partir dos 30 anos, ficou obcecada com o treino físico. É personal trainer certificada desde 2013. Pratica ioga há mais de 25 anos e ensina vários estilos de ioga há 2015. Christy é especialista em fitness para todos os níveis e idades, adaptando as sessões com modificações para pessoas de mobilidade reduzida. Independentemente do seu nível de condicionamento físico, temos a certeza que vai adorar as aulas de grupo, ao ar livre.
Christy’s Certifications
2002 Certified Macrobiotic Chef Training
2013 NASM Certified Personal Trainer
2014 TRX Suspension Training Certification
2015 Women’s Fitness Specialist
2015 Spinning® Instructor Certification
2015 Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Certification
2017 Gentle Yoga Certification
2020 Mindful Yin Yoga Teacher Certification
2020 Personalised Alignment & Fascia Intensive Training

“Following Christy’s fitness and nutrition program was the first time in a while that I had visible results from my efforts. The recipes were delicious and easy and satisfying. The workouts were easy to follow and challenging, in a good way! They really pushed me to try harder. I’m really happy with what I learned from Christy!” – Nanette L.
“We have already done two workouts and are super thrilled with how we feel. I love the workouts and the circuits are amazing! Thanks for making adjustments where I needed them.” – Kristin L.