
Use your blender to make pureed soups and a delish recipe

July Cooking Tool of the Month – Blender

Beet and Sweet Potato Soup

Beets make me excited. When I look into a bowl of bright red my heart skips a beat. There is no other vegetable in the world that makes the most beautifully colored recipes. The photo above wasn’t edited to make it look more vibrant. This soup does it all on it’s on!

One of my favorite things to make with my Vita-mix is blended soups. Whether they are all raw or uses cooked veggies, blended soups makes me feel nice and cozy. They are also so quick to make! If it’s a raw soup and you have a high speed blender it literally takes a few seconds to roughly chop the veggies/fruit, then you blend and you are eating within five minutes. If it’s a cooked soup, it takes a few minutes to prep the veggies (they don’t have to be cut uniformly since they are being blended up), cook them, and blend.

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Tell us in the comments, what are your favorite blended soups and what spice combinations do you like to use?

Crimson Beet and Sweet Potato Soup
Makes about 3 servings

Filtered water
2 medium beets, peeled and cubed
1 cup cubed sweet potato
Sea salt
2 cups veggie broth
1 cup diced leek
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon coriander
1 tablespoon champagne vinegar
1-2 teaspoons lime juice
Black pepper to taste

Place beets sweet potato and water to cover in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil with a pinch of salt. Cover and simmer till tender. Meanwhile pour a small amount of broth into a skillet and heat over medium flame. When it begins to sizzle add the leeks and saute for a few minutes with a pinch of salt. Add spices and saute a few minutes more. Add vinegar cover with lid and add a touch of broth to deglaze the pan as needed. Drain beets and sweet potato. Add to the blender with leeks remaining broth and the rest of the ingredients. Blend until smooth and creamy. Adjust seasoning as needed. Serve immediately or this soup can be served chilled.

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  1. This soup looks sensational!  Perfect for summer.  I've never cooked with beets before but maybe I should start.  I should also start saving for a freaking Vita-mix.  Someday…

    1. You owe it to you and your family to get a Vita-mix!! I wish they would return my emails so I could give one away on here, but nooooo 🙁 Beets are pretty amazing. When raw they have a very earthy flavor, but when you cook them they get really sweet.

  2. I love how you’ve incorporated beets into a potato soup. This sounds delicious, and I “will” be trying it! Is it really as good chilled? I’ve been hearing a lot lately about chilled soups but haven’t given them a try. Here’s a mushroom potato soup I recently made. It’s really easy and I make it in my Vitamix. Don’t you just love blenders? They make life so much easier. Thanks for the recipe and I will be tuning in to see more

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