Cooking By Color February: Are White, Brown, & Black foods Under-appreciated?

February Cooking By Color – White, Brown, Black

As you may have seen in this post it’s been a crazy month so far! Traveling non-stop and not having internet in my new house made it really difficult to get out a blog post. And I didn’t have a kitchen to cook in! Should I have planned in advance for this transition and scheduled a recipe post? Yes. But to tell you the truth it was kind of a nice break. I spend many hours each day connecting with you on social media and actual recipe posts can take hours to complete. There’s planning the recipe, making it and taking photos during the prep, taking photos of the finished product (which I’m still learning how to do!), then writing up the post. I’ve been at this for 3 years now and it is getting faster, but I would not consider myself a professional blogger. I do alright I guess 😉 Anyhoo, I’m happy you are here reading and I’m thrilled to share tasty and healthy recipes with you each week! And we have some really delicious guest posts this month!


So on to this month’s Cooking By Color foods: white, brown, and black. Are foods in this category under-appreciated for their lack of color and appeal to the eyes? Do they even have any health-promoting properties like their beta-carotene, vitamin K, C, and iron rich counterparts? When it comes to white foods we know that many like white flour, white sugar and other processed foods are not beneficial to health. Stay clear of those ones! But foods like daikon, onion, garlic, turnip, mushrooms, pears, potatoes, cauliflower, jicama, legumes, and grains do have some health benefits and sure are tasty. A compound called Allicin is found in white-fleshed foods and may serve to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.


The first white and brown foods that came to mind were onions and potatoes. I asked everyone on Facebook what they liked to make with potatoes and I got such a great response of tasty ideas! Looking in the cabinet I found some black-eyed peas leftover from new year’s. We finally have some cooler weather here in Austin so comfort food is on the brain. Stews and curries are my all-time fave comfort food (next to mac n’ cheese 😉 So a onion, potato and black-eyed pea stew was born.

This recipe is simple and easy to make. That is generally my style of cooking. Sure this isn’t the most creative stew in the blogosphere but it will make your belly happy and warm your whole body. Add a dash of cayenne to warm it up even more!

Oh and by the way, have you seen the new video app Vine? I’ve jumped on board to bring you little videos of my life, cooking, fitness and more. It’s much easier than doing a full-on video and so much fun! Join me over there to peak inside my life.  I’m also on Instagram if you want to add me!

Black-eyed Pea Stew


What is your favorite comfort food to have on a cold day?

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  1. This stew looks like a winner- in my books! And I’ve got a couple cans of black-eyed peas waiting to be used up, so this is going on the list of things to make! 🙂

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