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Pumpkin two ways

Tis the season for pumpkin. Two ways.  Many weeks ago in fact I began to see pumpkin take over the interwebs. I’m pretty late to the game having seen all my favorite bloggers already post pumpkin recipes. Better late than never right?

pumpkin sauce

I popped open a can of pumpkin and pondered what to make with it. My assistant was working with me that day to help me get everything ready for the new WR program and she confessed that she had never had “pumpkin anything”. I was like WHAT? What kind of vegan are you? Haha totally just kidding, but I was determined to give this girl something tasty to try with pumpkin.

We decided to make both a sweet and a savory dish with it.  Since I eat grain, beans, and green bowls all the time a savory pumpkin sauce sounded perfect to smother all over the top of that. And boy was it heavenly. It’s picture above with some quinoa and the new “Artisan” Tofurky Sausages (yes I eat package food sometime and yes these were really tasty!).

Savory Pumpkin Sauce
Makes about 3 servings

1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast
2 teaspoons tamari
1-2 teaspoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon coriander
1/4 cup water, more as needed

Combine all ingredients except water to a bowl and mix well. Once mixed, slowly whisk in water until desired consistency.

Then for something sweet, I couldn’t decide whether this would be considered a breakfast food or a treat. It’s a great topping for toast, waffles or pancakes. Or to slather on a banana for a pre-workout snack. The protein is of course optional, I’m just trying new ways to sneak in more protein whenever I can since I’m in a gaining cycle (What’s a gaining cycle? I’m trying to put on muscle mass so I’ve upped my protein. It’s working because none of my clothes fit anymore!!).

Spicy Protein Pumpkin Butter
Makes 4 servings

1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons almond butter
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 tablespoon Unflavored PlantFusion protein powder (or your favorite brand)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Dash nutmeg
Dash ginger powder

Combine all ingredients and whisk until well combined.

News: Just a little update on my dad for those of you that have been following his journey. He went to the doctor last month for his annual visit (hadn’t been to the doctor in that whole year) and he’s given a clean bill of health, except his triglycerides were high. He might actually start exercising, which I’ve been begging him to do since even when I lived with him. He might stop eating all the junk food I find when I go to visit him now that the doctor said he should. Stubborn man won’t listen to me but might listen to his doctor! He is no longer anaemic or B12 deficient on a mostly vegan diet for the last year!

Further update 2024: I lost my dad July 28, 2019.

What have YOU been up to? Let me know in the comments. I miss you guys!!

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  1. Great news for your dad. Yay!

    This sauce will be perfect for dinner tonight. I was planning on making a nut-based sauce to go over quinoa and broccoli, the latter of which has been bountifully flowing from my CSA box, and this morning I finally cracked open my first can of pumpkin for the season. You’re not the only one late in the game.

  2. Both of these look fantastic! I’m a pumpkin freak and just like you, eat grains, beans and green bowls 24/7. Can’t wait to use the sauce on the bowls and the butter on my macro waffles! You’re the greatest!!

    1. The nutritional yeast is my own spin on what could have been a “macrobiotic” recipe. I just can’t help it; nooch makes everything taste better! Let me know what you think!

    1. Hey Jen! Sorry about that! When I merged my two website recently I lost all my recipes and have had to manually enter them back in. You will find them there now 🙂

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