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We Hit a Huge Milestone! Let me give you stuff!

This weekend we hit 25,000 fans on Facebook. And when we hit huge milestones we like to give stuff away!


First I want to thank every single one of you for being part of my blissful community. Whether you’ve been along for the ride since the beginning some nine years ago (I still remember my first meal delivery clients and even my first cooking class students!!) or you are just joining the party the whole reason I have this little corner of the internet is because of you. I’ve been blogging for maybe five years or so and it brings warmth to my heart to know that my blog posts, cookbook, recipes, videos, weekly emails, and daily tweets have helped you along your personal journey to health and happiness.

So here’s what I got for you!

If you are just transitioning to a vegan, plant-based diet or your diet has been not so great and you need new inspiration my 28-day Wellness Reboot cleanse is just what you need. See more details and a video about the program here and testimonials on this page (they speak for themselves!). Use coupon code COMMUNITY to get 50% off! Register now!

My new fitness programs are already 50% off! Lucky you! But I will give away my 12-week personalized plan to two lucky winners. Now is the time to take your health and wellness to the next level! People who follow a program or have a coach on their side cheering for them have far more success than those who go it alone. I personally have experienced this!

You can always do both of these programs. That’s actually what I recommend is to do the 28-day program first to learn how to cook and eat really well, then get a program designed for you that has weight training involved. So go ahead and grab the wonderful discount for the reboot and if you win the 12-week personalize program we will set that up as soon as you finished the 28-day program!

GIVEAWAY CLOSED!! But you can save 50% on 28-day cleanse until 4/4/14!!

The winners of the 12 week personalized fitness program are Jared and Cristina!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Coaching and accountability are key ingredients in the journey to health and fitness. I need a 12-week program to help me make the progress I have not been able to make on my own.

  2. I have been vegan for about 3 years and have lost majority of my weight just by my diet changes but now I am struggling to lose the last bit and muscle building without a bunch of supplements 🙁 I am wanting to compete in a competition (bikini like you did) and have been watching your journey and love the muscle you have been building! I would love to have your 12 week program to help she the rest of this fat and build more vegan MUSCLE!!! 🙂

  3. Being vegan is already doing so much for me, both in body and mind. I want to get stronger and you are such an inspiration for me. Hopefully, if I would to win your program I would be able to finally get rid of my saddlebags

  4. Congrats! I’m looking to get back into a workout routine and would be interested in winning your new fitness plan.

  5. Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment. I enjoy your blog very much and have learned so much about fitness and nutrition.

  6. congratulations on the growth of your work! i found you when i first moved to austin and still love following your journey, especially your athletic progress!

  7. I need this program because I feel a true lack from the vegan fitness community in Los Angeles. It is also difficult to find anything vegan here that is affordable. I have gone back and forth between vegan and vegetarian and meat eating for the last 10 years of my life and i’m ready to just be vegan so i can be calm and centered and focused rather than allowing my diet to disrupt my life. I know that exercise is a part of that, allowing me to create a routine and become devoted to it. I want to do it right this time and feel like a strong vegan badass.

  8. I just found you through the Vegan Health and Fitness magazine, I am currently eating a typical SAD diet and struggling with the middle aged weight creep and have recently tried some raw vegan recipes and loved them but know that I will need support in incorporating a new lifestyle that into something I can embrace longterm and hopefully then be able to inspire others to do the same.

  9. Congrats Christy!! I follow your Facebook group and you are such an inspiration! I admire all of your hard work and dedication. I’m just getting started on my fitness journey and I would absolutely love your help. I’m a student and money is tight right now, so I don’t think I can afford your program. I’ve had a difficult year which has resulted in weight gain and low confidence. I’m now ready to make a change. It would be amazing to be guided with your support and knowledge about cooking healthy meals and exercising. I would be so grateful to learn these skills from someone like you Christy, who has made these changes and transformed their life! Thanks for your time and again, congratulations. Keep up the amazing work 🙂 I can’t wait to see how your next few weeks of cutting turn out!! You rock!

  10. Congratulations! I always find reading your blog inspirational, and it is pushing me to think about new ways to keep fit beyond what I currently do.

  11. After an emotional year of children moving around the world, I need to refocus and reboot on what I’m putting in my mouth! Thank you!

  12. Just like I have moments of grace when trying to do something physical, I have had moments of success with a plantbased diet. I know it makes me feel better physically and about myself. I need at his!

  13. I am trying to get back into shape to run a 10k after a bad winter of not exercising like I should! I love your blog and look forward to reading more.

  14. I have been transitioning to a healthier lifestyle for some months now, but lately it seems I am stuck in the same routine, so I think the program would help me a lot to push it further 🙂

  15. Although I am thin; I am not in good shape. I really don’t know where to start. Your program would be a great starting place.

  16. Hi The Blissful Chef,

    We have just sent you a message through email regarding our project.

    MyTaste.com is one of the biggest recipe search engine in United States and in the world, would like to invite your blog to be featured on our site and make your recipes available to many people.

    If you like it, you can join through this link


    This is one way to share your recipes to the world and it can also help you to increase your blog traffic.
    Full information has been sent to your email.

    Have a good day!

    Kind regards,

  17. I could use this to get my butt into gear and finally get back into shape! I have been eating a very clean plant-based diet and losing weight (almost 70 pounds so far) but have not been able to find the motivation to start working out regularly. Thanks for the chance to win and Congratulations on hitting this milestone!

  18. First, congratulations on both nine years and 25k on Facebook. I would love to win this opportunity as am needing to lose over 100lbs. Have already lost some on my own but without accountability it can be tough.Have started eating plant based which has helped but my husband and daughter don’t follow it. Really enjoy your blog and following you on Facebook it is inspiring.

  19. 25k and counting. Great work! Your website is awesome . . . I could only imagine how cool your fitness program is.

  20. In May it will be 3 full years of eating plant based or vegan.
    I had previously lost 42 pounds as a Weight Watcher, then went vegan and gained 15 to 17 pounds. I continue to go to Weight Watchers, but do not eat any animal products and do not feel like it is enough support for the vegan way of eating.
    I need help to re-lose and KEEP OFF the final pounds.
    Thank you.

  21. Congrats on 25k!! I need this program because i need to be a good vegan. I want to learn to eat the best way to optimize my health. I want to healthy, blissful, abd fit!

  22. This program would be a great way for me to get my exercise motivation back after some (relatively minor) health problems caused me to go from exercise 5 days a week down to once or twice a week now. I need a swift kick in the butt!

  23. Congrats on the milestone! I’d love to win, I struggle with keeping on track with my eating habits and exercise. This may just be the kick in the butt I need.

  24. Congrats on the milestone! I definitely need help in both areas!! I eat mostly plant based but could use some motivation and need guidance in the exercise area for sure!

  25. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us and congrats on reaching this important milestone. I look forward to achieving optimal health with your assistance.

  26. Congratulations Christy! So proud of you! I’m happy to have gotten to know you over the past few months. I would love to win this program to help focus my efforts nutritionally for gaining muscle. It’s still my dream to walk on that stage to show that yes it IS possible with a vegan diet, and as an ex-obese woman. I hope one day to represent on the Plant Built team!

  27. I get out of breath walking my son a very short distance to his bus stop every morning. He always asks mommy why you breathing so hard? I need the motivation to get it going. The better me I can be is the better mom and wife can be for him.Thanks

  28. Wow…..that is fantastic news! Congratulations on this huge milestone! I need some great motivation especially with 2 picky kids who don’t really want to move or try new (healthy) foods. Thank you for this great opportunity!

  29. I’m finishing up my 12 weeks “program”…it’s not a program…I’m just doing random things. I’d like more guidance but am on a college budget.

  30. You are so awesome and inspirational for all us vegans out there! I love looking to your blog and Facebook for tips and motivation. I need your 12 week program so I’m not just doing random exercises 🙂

  31. Congratulations! Go on with your bad self!

    I would love to get help with eating and exercise because I always, always do better when I have some accountability. Otherwise, I feel like I’m just out here in the wilderness, fending for myself. And I am not known to make the very best decisions for my health at all times.

    Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  32. I need the program b/c I seem to have lost my motivation. Blah. I need to get back to working out regularly.

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