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New Online Magazine For Vegans Launches Today!

Not sure you’ve heard about the newest project I’ve been working on with an amazing team of vegan women interested in health, wellness, and fitness. It’s called Definition Magazine and it’s written by vegan women for women (though you dudes will get something out of it too)!


I’m really excited to share it with you and I hope you will share it far and wide. Did I mention it was free to read and download? And that this project is completely volunteer ran? Yep that’s right it’s FREE! We are selling ads and taking donations to help us bring the magazine to more platforms (can you say Apple store?) and start saving for a possible print magazine in the future.

Big thank you for your support of this project. It’s meant to inspire, motivate, encourage, and lift you up at any age and every step of your health and fitness journey!

Visit the website here and be sure to follow us on social media outlets!

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