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Updated Raw Chocolate Mousse

Things have been so crazy busy with my business but I wanted to say HI and give you an updated version of the mousse I’ve been eating like almost every night. I’ve updated my already delicious raw avocado chocolate mousse that I posted years ago in 2010 by throwing in some protein powder and only sweetening it with dates. As a bodybuilder I like sneaking in extra protein wherever I can because protein really isn’t something you should blow off as a vegan. Especially if you want to build/maintain muscle mass.

This past weekend I had the pleasure of spending time with the PlantBuilt team again (can you believe it’s been a year since I did that crazy thing of competing in a bikini competition??). I took a lot of photos of the amazing female athletes for the next issue of Definition Magazine. It’s going to be epic and we are highlighting powerlifters! The whole PlantBuilt team dominated the competition and I’m so very proud of them!

Now onto the dessert! Thank you Emma from Coconut and Berries for this beautiful photo of the mousse. She made it not look like a pile of you know what like my photo! She’s got some great stuff on her blog and the most beautiful photography so check her out!

Raw Chocolate Protein Mousse
Makes about 4 servings

2 medium avocados, pitted
About 14 dates, pitted, and soaked for 20 minutes with water to cover
1/3 cup raw cacao powder
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I use PlantFusion)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or pinch vanilla bean paste)
Cinnamon, as desired (if you want to try it spicy add a dash of cayenne)

Combine all ingredients (not date soaking liquid) and blend into smooth and creamy. Use a spatula to scrape down the edges of the bowl a few times to incorporate all the ingredients. If you need it sweeter blend in the date soaking liquid a little bit at a time until it’s as sweet as you like it.

Hope you like it!

Pre-Workout SupplementIn other news, people are always asking me what kind of supplements I use and list is very short and all of them are performance based. I’m all for appropriate supplementation; don’t take things you don’t need! To get me revving to go in the morning for a workout this is the only “pre-workout” I use. It’s amazing, clean, vegan, and awesome.

It’s not cheap, but it’s totally worth it because there is nothing as clean on the market. It’s certified vegan. Suggested serving size is 2 scoops but I only need one scoop so it lasts longer. Totally worth it.

Click on the photo to learn more! That is an affiliate link, which gives me a small kickback when you buy this awesome product. You’ll only find affiliates for companies I believe in and products I actually use. Purchases made through my affiliates allow me to continue giving you free content on this website! So thank you!

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