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Reflections on 2016 & my new experiences

In 2015 I decided to start setting mantras instead of resolutions for the new year. When I dug deep to find the mantra for 2016, New Experiences came to me. On my blog I tell you all about my new experiences for the year. Many of them are fitness/adventure related like the two featured today. We are closing in on the new year already (omg!!!) and I’ve done a very poor job keeping up with my blog and sharing my new experiences with you. So they will spill into 2017 and I’ll combine many together in one post to not clog your feed.

To be honest, I haven’t thought about what mantra will set the stage for 2017. The last few months have been tough, emotionally draining, and have me feeling lost. I thought I wanted to travel and learn Spanish, but now I’m not so sure. To become fluent I’ll have to dedicate many years of study, classes, and immersion. I don’t want to do it half-assed, but I need to have a really good reason to put that much time into it. When I think about why I want to learn Spanish there isn’t anything concrete; it would be cool to know another language and helpful when traveling in Latin countries. I fancy myself a life-long student and love learning. But my gut is telling me that’s not enough. I also want to learn to play the piano, another thing that takes time, money, dedication, and practice. Am I in over my head with the new things I want to experience and learn? At 37, is it too late to take on learning new skills? I’m a little lost trying to figure out what I want out of 2017.


Traveling is something I will continue to do next year. I already have plans for the summer in Europe (leading a vegan summer camp at the Healing Castle June 10-12!!) and I’m trying to find a place to teach yoga and volunteer for March and April in Latin America. Everywhere I travel in 2017, you’ll be able to do a Wellness Reboot Retreat with me, which is a new service I’m excited to offer! You can check out the details here.

It has been such a fun year (besides the recent election and mid-life crisis feels)! Looking back I can’t believe all the amazing experiences I’ve had and all the beautiful places I’ve traveled. I hope you’ve had fun following along the journey and are inspired to try new things. We’ve only got this life so why not have fun with it! The next two experiences on my list were fun and challenging.


Experience Mantra #7 & #8: Aerial Yoga & Archery

While in Bangkok eating all the food, I discovered an aerial yoga studio near my friend’s house. This has become popular all over the world in the last few years and is something I’ve always wanted to try. Aerial yoga, also called anti-gravity yoga, started around 2012 and requires a hammock type support that holds you over the ground while you do yoga poses and deep stretching. It’s a great core challenge! It’s helpful for people with injuries or chronic pain so really anyone can give it a try. I find the classes are expensive and exclusive though, which is the downside of aerial yoga, but you can set up the hammock or “swing” in your home instead and reap the benefits of this new way to get your yoga on.

flyingyogaThe class was great. It was a whole new way of using my body. We started with some floor work, stretching, and abdominal exercises. Then we got in the hammock and did a warm up there. Then the challenging poses started, which included the standing one you see above and the flying one to the right. I don’t think it was a beginner class. My arms and core were totally sore from bracing myself and holding on for dear life to not fall to the ground. It was scary at times but super fun. I totally recommend giving it a try! Aerial yoga gets 5 stars!


An experience I haven’t yet talked about on my blog is getting back into the dating world this year. For the last couple of years I’ve been anti-dating. To make a long story short, my last serious relationship was a bit emotionally abusive and it caused me to shut down, romantically and sexually. This year has been a new awakening. A much needed re-emergence of knowing my worth, learning what I like, trusting men again, dating more, and having fun new sexual experiences. I’m not sure I will go into detail of those new experiences on my blog. I’ll just happily say it’s been an adventure and I’m having a blast!


I decided to combo my mantra of the year with dating, and only took on dates that involved trying new things (like Muay Thai kickboxing). One guy had a Groupon for an archery school, and I had a big crush on a guy in college that was a very skilled archer and teacher so I jumped at the chance to give it a try. Did you know that archery is a thing in our modern times? It’s a competitive sport and super fun on a recreational level. An employee gave us a 15 minute explanation on stance, shooting and safety, then we got started. It took a few tries to be able to shoot correctly. Many times the back cord would slap my arm leaving a small bruise so it definitely takes some skill3stars and finesse. You can see from the photo that I was at least hitting inside of the target circle.

After about an hour I felt accomplished and my body was aching. Archery is fun but I don’t think I need to do it again or start practicing on a regular basis. I give it 3 stars.

I hope you have the most amazing New Year ever! Hopefully we can come together to focus on the good and reflect on all the amazing things we have in our lives. I know I’m super thankful to be alive and be able to enjoy the little things in life. Happy New Year!

Experience Mantra 2106
Quick Reference

Muay thai kickboxing
Teaching yoga & learning to surf
Learning Spanish in Costa Rica
Silver Jewelry Making in Bali
Aerial Yoga & Archery
Adult Coloring Party
Breitenbush Hot Springs & Hot Springs Arkansas
Learning Craps in Vegas
SUP Yoga and first all-inclusive hotel

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  1. You’re so inspiring! I love that you are willing to try new things – thank you for sharing! Keep us posted on all you’re adventures πŸ™‚

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